Tour of Marche

Travel program

1° day URBINO
Arrival in Urbino early afternoon and guided tour of the city, home town of the two great artists, Bramante and Raffaello. Tour of the city’s most important monument, the Palazzo Ducale, containing the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche where the exquisite paintings of Luca Signorelli, Piero della Francesca, Raffaello and Tiziano are on display.

Tour moves on to Porto Recanati: check in at hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Breakfast in hotel and panoramic tour of the Conero Riviera, with the mountain of the same name overlooking the sea and the delightful small towns of Sirolo, the “Pearl of the Adriatic”, and Numana, the ancient fishermen’s town and “Lady of the Conero”.

Lunch in restaurant and continuation to Ancona for guided tour of the city, built upon a promontory, with its historical centre facing the bay of the port, like the stage of a theatre.

Return to hotel in late afternoon for dinner and overnight stay.

Breakfast in hotel and guided tour of Recanati, picturesque town where Giacomo Leopardi was born towards the end of the eighteenth century. Tour covers all the main places connected with the poet, like the building where he was born and the library where he studied, arriving in the city’s main square where the Basilica of Sant’Agostino is located..

Lunch in restaurant and visit to the evocative Grotte di Frasassi, known for their stalactites and stalagmites, variously shaped concentrations of limestone accumulated throughout the centuries. These are considered the biggest complex of caves in Europe, characterized by a group of underground pathways 30 km long and divided into 8 different geological levels.
After the tour, return to hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

Breakfast in hotel and departure for Gradara. Guided tour of the castle, once home to the principal protagonists of Medieval and Renaissance times, like the Malatesta, Sforza, Borgia and Della Rovere families, and theatre for many important historical events.
Followed by lunch in restaurant and end of the tour.

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